
1. Setup

On top of regular setup, place your block in a region.

    // Add the system branding block to the page.
    $this->drupalPlaceBlock('system_branding_block', ['region' => 'header', 'id' => 'site-branding']);

2. UI test

2.1. Block presence

    $site_slogan_xpath = '//div[@id="block-site-branding"]//div[@class="site-slogan"]';
    $site_slogan_element = $this->xpath($site_slogan_xpath);
    $this->assertTrue(!empty($site_slogan_element), 'The branding block slogan was found.');

2.2. View block

    // Place the block in a region with custom title.
    $block = $this->drupalPlaceBlock('views_block:test_view_block-block_1', ['label' => 'test_view_block-block_1:1', 'views_label' => 'Custom title']);

    // Visit the page.

    // Get block selector.    
    $result = $this->xpath('//div[contains(@class, "region-sidebar-first")]/div[contains(@class, "block-views")]/h2');

        // Check block title exists.
    $this->assertEqual($result[0]->getText(), 'Custom title');

    // Don't override the title anymore.
    $plugin = $block->getPlugin();
    $plugin->setConfigurationValue('views_label', '');

    // Make sure default title.
    $result = $this->xpath('//div[contains(@class, "region-sidebar-first")]/div[contains(@class, "block-views")]/h2');
    $this->assertEqual($result[0]->getText(), 'test_view_block');

3. Behaviour test

3.1 XSS filter

    // Be sure the slogan is XSS-filtered.
      ->set('slogan', '<script>alert("Community carpentry");</script>')

    $this->assertEqual($site_slogan_element[0]->getText(), 'alert("Community carpentry");', 'The site slogan was XSS-filtered.');

3.2 Disable

    // Turn just the site slogan off.
      ->set('settings.use_site_slogan', 0)
    $this->assertTrue(empty($site_slogan_element), 'The branding block slogan was disabled.');

4. Reference

  1. BlockSystemBrandingTest
  2. NodeSyndicateBlockTest
  3. DisplayBlockTest

results matching ""

    No results matching ""